Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Natural Energy Boosters - Freedom or Entrapment

The Energy of Living Free

Recently I watched the tragic story of the 'Boy in the Bubble', David Vetter, who spent his entire life of 12 years imprisoned in a plastic capsule, because he suffered from SCID (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency).

From the age of seven David verbalized his depression and said he had suffered from it for several years, and this is not surprising. It seems he was an intelligent and cheerful child, but not only did he have a prison, but he also had several 'jailers' - the doctors and other professionals as well as his loving family who instilled in him fears of the outside world and being invaded by germs.

Being trapped is one of our greatest fears.

Everyone has heard of claustrophobia - a fear of being trapped in confined spaces, and maybe even agoraphobia - being trapped in one's home because of fear of everything outside of it. But what of the fear of being trapped in other ways?

Fear is a form of lack of energy - a withdrawing from the world.

Even in Australia, where we are a so-called free nation, and have freedom of speech, freedom of information and many other freedoms, we can have a trapped feeling.

But unless you are physically held against your will, it is entirely up to you whether you choose freedom or entrapment.

Are you feeling trapped in a relationship, a job or a place of living that’s not ideal for you? Are financial constraints keeping you trapped in a lifestyle that you don’t like?

All of these things are simply a matter of choice.

I know a man who worked for a large government organisation. He was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the ethics of upper management, so one day he took the plunge and resigned. At his farewell party other workers expressed amazement at his courage to throw away one job when he had no immediate prospects for another. They said, ‘It’s all right for you. You don’t have the mortgage, the car payments…….” and so on.

The truth is, we can make changes in our lives that lead us to what energizes us. It is all a matter of choice.

What do you choose? Do you choose freedom or entrapment? What are you going to do today to make that change to lead you to the life of your dreams?

The first step is probably the hardest. Imagine it. When you hold a clear picture in your mind for long enough and take steps towards it , it is inevitable.

This New Year, resolve to take that leap and do what you have always wanted to do. I will.
What's Freedom, you ask; a fictitious thought?
A will-o-the-wisp so hard to be caught.
So many the meanings. What is 'To be free?'
Is it 'Not tied by chains'? Is it 'Just to be me'?
I believe it is fun. It is family and friends.
It's healthy and fit - take the road where it wends.
It's financial freedom, it’s money to do
What you want, and to give to the many or few
Who're in need of some help to make better their life.
So be grateful for yours for there's many in strife.
Yes, freedom's today, to live as you choose,
To plan out your future, your knowledge to use.
To keep on with learning, to grow day by day.
To love yourself first in a spirit of play.
So living and giving and choosing your role,
You'll be a free spirit - accomplish your goal.
© Joan Small

Live with Energy

Joan Small empowers people to make positive changes in their lives. If you want to discover more Natural Energy Boosters and lead an energized life, obtain your copy of ‘The Energy Book for Life’, the Guide to Energetic Living, Visit http://www.natural-energy-boosters.comJoan is also the author of the book series, ‘Allow Yourself… You Deserve It’, How to Free Yourself from Stress and Control and Live with Fun and Love.

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