All three were involved with nature, and with making the world a better place for our future generations.
Steve Irwin's February birth day was in 1962. He is one of our more recent heroes because of his passion for wildlife, notably crocodiles, and his personal contribution to the environment. His work lives on in his wife Terri and his beautiful children Bindy and Bob. (See the poem at the end of this blog.)
Sir Robert Baden-Powell was born on this day in 1857, and after a life of adventure he founded the Boy Scout Movement so that boys could experience the outdoors and gain an appreciation of the wondrous world we live in. He died in 1941. The 22nd February is commemorated by the Scouting and Guiding Movement as 'Thinking Day'.
Lady Olave Baden-Powell, was born on the same day as Sir Robert, but 37 years later in 1889, and so she outlived her husband by 35 years. Although the Scouts thought their hero and founder would lose interest in the movement after his marriage, Olave brought in new energy and vibrancy, and was able to create an exciting program for the girls, who had been dressing as boys so they could be involved in the grand game.
Olave became World Chief Guide in 1930 and impacted the lives of millions of girls across the planet, myself included. With Olave Baden-Powell's vision the Girl Guide Movement became the largest organisation for girls and women ever seen.
I met Lady Baden- Powell at 'Paxwold' in the Western Australian Darling Ranges - an area set aside for guides to camp.
I was selected to participate in the special camp in 1957, the centenary of Sir Robert's birth, to celebrate Lady Baden- Powell’s visit. I was 13, and I wrote in my diary:
It was not very long before a big crowd was assembled. Soon Lady Gairdner arrived, and then Lady Lee Steere.
At about 3.00 Lady B-P arrived and walked down the long line of guides, rangers and brownies lining the road, smiling and saluting. When she reached the guard of honour she shook hands with us all, and also saluted the rangers, making some nice comment in doing so.
We all went around to the back at that stage and joined the others from our camp. I had seen Grandma previously, and now she had a seat.
First of all, Mrs Somebody-or-other got up and told us the history of Paxwold, how it had been given by Mr Johnson and how all the people had done something in the way of donations of money or articles. There were two representatives of Malaya and one of Ceylon. Each gave a present to Paxwold. The Malayans gave a lovely picture, and the Ceylonese, a dish the shape of Ceylon. There were also several telegrams which had been sent for the opening of the building. One was from a new camping site in England called Paxwood.

It was then Lady B-P.'s turn to speak, but before doing so she reorganised the group so that nobody would be looking into the sun. She said, 'I'm not very popular at the moment. Somebody said Lady B-P was a person who came along and messed up all the arrangements.'
After we were all settled and sitting down, Grandma passed over Betty's camera, and while Lady B-P was talking I took several photos of her.
At last the key was presented by a nine-year-old brownie, and Paxwold was opened. Lady B-P. will ‘keep this golden key and will always have it’.
As soon as the ceremony was over, all the camp girls returned to camp to await the arrival of Lady B-P. She was trying to make her way over to the site, but every time she got a little way she was stopped. However, at about 4.30 she eventually arrived.
Cap Hosie, Q.M., First Aider, Cooky and Cap Johnson went to meet her, and after she'd spoken to them she came to us, first posing for photos for us all. She came round and shook hands with everyone, and when she came to me she commented on my pack leader's stripes (as she'd done at the Guard of Honour) then realised that she'd already seen me.
Inspection of tents was next and she began to walk over towards ours. We just about had heart failure. However, she didn't look in. She wanted to know if we had Kookaburras on our site, and did her best to imitate one. She told us that one of the world's most popular songs was 'Kookaburra'.
We all enjoyed her company immensely and when she had gone we unanimously agreed that she is a lovely person.
I have many more stories about the time I spent as a Girl Guide, and the way it helped me grow in confidence, leadership skills, an appreciation of our wonderful world and the need to always 'do my best'.

Today, on Thinking Day, I will remember Lady Baden-Powell, Lord Baden-Powell, and Steve Irwin, three great spirits who, with their energy, enthusiasm and determination to contribute to the world, have inspired many to do the same. (See the poem about Steve Irwin below)
Live with Energy
Joan Small empowers people to make positive changes in their lives. If you want to discover more Natural Energy Boosters and lead an energized life, obtain your copy of ‘The Energy Book for Life’, the Guide to Energetic Living, Visit http://www.natural-energy-boosters.com/Joan is also the author of the book series, ‘Allow Yourself… You Deserve It’, How to Free Yourself from Stress and Control and Live with Fun and Love. http://www.joansmall.com/
Croc and Brock’s Farewell
Mourners stood inside the garden in Australia Zoo that day
The most beautiful of gardens where the crocodiles all play.
They had come in many thousands, looking on with tears in eye.
As the heroes of the moment both descended from the sky.
In the clouds they saw the image of Steve Irwin with his croc.
And beside him in his race car was a youthful Peter Brock.
Dressed in racing gear resplendent, Peter Perfect to a T.
And they heard Steve blurt out ‘Crikey, have you come to visit me?’
‘I remember, I was swimming with the fish upon the reef.
My surroundings were amazing, such a scene defied belief.
We had cameras and were filming for my gorgeous Bindi child.
For her show she wanted images of creatures swimming wild.’
‘Then a sting ray flew towards me with his wings outspread and wide.
I was mesmerized with magic as I came up to his side.
Then I swam above him slowly, just to get a better view.
But he must have been quite startled, for that was the last I knew.’
‘Though I am the brave Croc Hunter, I am jelly fish inside.
I am Bob and Bindy’s daddy, and the day I died I cried.
For the parting took more courage than my wrestling with the crocs,
Catching snakes and spiders hiding in the crevasses and rocks.’
‘Now I’m here with Peter Perfect, not with Terri and the kids,
And I sure will miss them badly – they’re the greatest ‘billy lids’.
I will stay beside them always, and they’ll feel that I am there.
As they grow up and they prosper they will know that I still care.’
‘I was born near Brocky’s birthday - it was February 22,
Just four days before his birthday – a coincidence it’s true,
As I died four days before him in a freak of fate quite strange.
If I’d wanted a companion no-one better I’d arrange.’
‘For he’s been a national hero - always striving for the best,
He was called “King of the Mountain” - he was faster than the rest.
With ten victories at Bathurst, his “Brock Special” was his brand,
And his name will be remembered through our great Australian land.’
‘Like me, the King was playing on the day he left the earth,
At a rally in his coupe somewhere not too far from Perth,
When he slid across the wet road, and he slammed into a tree,
I was watching from my cloud and saw him drifting up to me.’
‘Oh Crikey Brock, and welcome. It is not so bad up here.
You’ll be pleased we won’t be aging, and I’ve brought some Aussie beer.
We can keep an eye on family, so they do just what they ought,
Looking after all the animals and racing motor sport.’
‘It was time to draw our numbers on September 4 and 8.
Now St Peter is awaiting at the shining pearly gate.
And I bet we’re both admitted to the heavenly realm above,
As there’s thousands in Australia who are showing us their love.’
© Joan Small Sept 2006
Hi Joan,
The scouts aree aa very important movement and it is a pity few children go there now a day. Our elfesdyt went in the USA and here and it was great.
Thank you for putting the Baden-Powells back on the map.
Loved it. Well done
Was it 1957 that Lady Baden-Powell came to Australia or did she come again. I met her in Adelaide and I thought it would more likely be around 1959. Maybe I am wrong. I must try and check up. Nice to read.
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